Innovative mammal conservation

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staff > Lucy Nord — Martens on the Move Project Officer

10th April 2024

Lucy joined VWT in spring 2024 as a Project Officer with Martens on the Move, focusing on the Pine Marten Monitoring Hubs and Haven in Wales and bordering English counties. They have spent the last two years working on the Bannau Brycheiniog Pine Marten Project, setting up camera traps and den boxes in the National Park to monitor pine martens dispersing from the reintroduction sites in mid-Wales and the Forest of Dean. Lucy had a previous life as a commercial solicitor. Wanting to follow their passion for wildlife, they switched into working in conservation in 2020 following a placement monitoring kiwis and their mammal predators in a New Zealand forest sanctuary. They went on to gain experience in mammal conservation at Sea Watch Foundation on their cetacean monitoring programme, but pine martens have enduringly stolen their heart. They wrote their BSc dissertation on the use of scat analysis to study pine marten diet so they have already developed a reputation for collecting poo. Office: Bristol

3-4 Bronsil Courtyard, Eastnor, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 1EP
01531 636441 |