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Vincent Wildlife Trust has been working to conserve threatened mammal species since 1975. Your support is vital to help threatened mammals survive and thrive once again — species such as the greater horseshoe bat, which suffered a dramatic decline but which now is returning to some of its former ranges across the south of England; and the rare, native pine marten, which is slowly returning to its former ranges across Britain. You can help make a difference.

Support us

Your support can make a difference to threatened mammals in Britain, Ireland and mainland Europe.


Pine marten recovery projects

Helping pine martens to once again thrive in Britain


Bat conservation

Working to safeguard some of Britain's rarest bats


Species recovery projects in Ireland

Working to safeguard some of Ireland's rarest mammals


Wildcat project

Working with communities to investigate the feasibility of returning wildcats to Wales


Where it's most needed

Helping VWT to work where its most needed


Engaging with people and communities

Engaging people in mammal conservation

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