VWT is pleased to publish its Annual Report for 2020. This report gives an overview of the past year’s highlights, its projects, its partners and its audited financial statements.
4th August 2021A new report outlining a long-term strategic recovery plan for pine martens in Britain has just been produced by VWT with support from Natural England and NatureScot. The aim of this document is to set out a strategic, long-term recovery plan for pine martens in Britain. It follows on from a previous strategy produced in 2011 Read More
13th July 2021Vincent Wildlife Trust volunteer, Laurence Dupont, was the first to capture evidence of two kits born this spring on his trail camera. ‘Our moment of magic was when we saw some grainy footage of a pine marten climbing down a tree with a kit swinging wildly from its mouth – and then it returned fifteen minutes later Read More
5th July 2021Every five years, species with full legal protection on Schedules 5 and 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) are reviewed through a process called the Quinquennial Review (QQR), coordinated by the UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). This year, in a change to the normal process, the Review Group (JNCC, Natural England, Natural Read More
29th June 2021The pine marten is one of Britain’s rarest mammals and is absent from most of England, but with the help of volunteers and local organisations, the National Lottery-funded Back from the Brink project has confirmed the presence of a pine marten population in northern England. A small number of sightings reported to Vincent Wildlife Trust Read More
1st February 2021VWT’s 2020 newsletter has just been published! This issue of our newsletter includes a round-up of our work in 2020 and some of our plans for next year. Read the newsletter here.
14th December 2020Vincent Wildlife Trust is delighted to have been awarded £180,000 from the Green Recovery Challenge Fund to future-proof its greater and lesser horseshoe bat reserves against climate change. VWT has been acquiring, managing and protecting roost sites of the rare horseshoe bats for more than 30 years, including the site of western Europe’s largest colony Read More
10th December 2020A new documentary produced by BBC called Inside the Bat Cave features one of VWT’s greater horseshoe bat roosts. It peeks into the often hidden world of bats inside and out of the roosts over a period of four months in the summer of 2019. The programme is no longer available but you can still Read More
21st October 2020Limericks lesser horseshoe bats EGLA Webinar Watch this webinar with VWT’s Dr Kate McAney, Head of Conservation Development, Ireland on Limerick’s Lesser Horseshoe Bats, hosted by Limerick City and County Council. Find out more about this endearing protected bat species and learn why Limerick is so important to its survival in Ireland. Banner photo: ©Frank Read More
23rd September 2020With the COVID-19 lockdown restricting many activities, including guided bat walks, our team in Ireland has put together its first ever virtual bat walk at Curragh Chase. The video was produced as part of Limerick’s designation as a European Green Leaf city 2020. Watch the Virtual Bat Walk Limerick EGLA 2020. Banner photo: ©Frank Read More
26th June 2020