Innovative mammal conservation

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Pine martens spread to south Scotland

The Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) report, in collaboration with The Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT), confirmed the presence of pine martens in three new separate areas of southern Scotland. All three areas lie beyond a small population which was reintroduced to the Galloway Forest in the early 1980s. Pine martens were once found throughout the UK, Read More

16th May 2014

Pine Marten Recovery Project E-newsletter

We have just published our e-newsletter for the Trust’s Pine Marten Recovery Project. This newsletter is the first in a series that will keep you updated with the progress of VWT’s Pine Marten Recovery Project, report on all things pine marten and solicit support and comment on our activities. For the next two years we Read More

24th February 2014

Help plot the path of the polecat

National Survey Launched The Vincent Wildlife Trust is asking the public, from Cornwall to Caithness, to help plot the path of the polecat. Polecats, once absent from much of the British countryside, appear to be doing well – but just how well? The Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) has launched a national survey to find out Read More

14th January 2014
3-4 Bronsil Courtyard, Eastnor, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 1EP
01531 636441 |