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OB4B Newsletter March 2012

The Bat Bulletin is the first electronic newsletter for The Vincent Wildlife Trust’s Our Beacon for Bats Project (OB4B). This is a regular publication to advertise forthcoming events, highlight opportunities for volunteers to join in with the project and report on news and activities throughout the year.


Jordan, N. et al. (2012). Molecular comparison of historical and contemporary pine marten populations

We investigated the origins and persistence of European pine marten populations across the British Isles by identifying mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from contemporary populations (sampled since 1981) and comparing these with those of older ‘historical’ museum specimens (pre-1981) originally collected from the same geographic areas.


VWT E-newsletter July 2011

This issue includes an overview of work taking place during 2011. Including an introduction to our new Trustee, updates on our pine marten work in Cumbria and Scotland, our new projects ‘Mammals in a Sustainable Environment’ and ‘Our Beacon for Bats’ and an insight into a biological recording event, BioBlitz, in Ireland.


Design of a slot bat box

The slot bat box was designed to imitate niches where crevice dwelling bats might roost; such as a split in a tree trunk or behind loose bark. The three vertical ‘slots’ each of a different width, offers a choice that several species of bat, depending on their size, might use. The upper section of the two partition walls have been cut away to allow bats an area to cluster, conserve energy and breed.


Jordan, N. (2011). Strategy for Restoring the Pine Marten to England and Wales

Although sightings reports and occasional genetic evidence confirm the presence of the pine marten in parts of England and Wales, limited success in their detection despite concerted efforts suggest that they are not abundant and that populations have failed to recover from their historical decline.


Jordan, N. et al. (2011). The Great North Pine Marten Pursuit Report

The ‘Great North Pine Marten Pursuit’ surveys were initiated in order to collect pine marten DNA from extant populations of England. They aimed to determine the presence of pine martens in specific areas, and so allow a focussing of future conservation resources in those areas, whilst also determining the genetic haplotype of the pine martens.


McAney, K. (2010) A pilot study to test the use of hair tubes to detect the Irish stoat along hedgerows in County Galway.

In Ireland the Irish stoat is considered to be a near-endemic subspecies, with >90% of the global population estimated to occur in the country. This study involved laying plastic baited hair tubes, 10 per 200 metres at 20m intervals, along hedgerows in the bottom left 1km2 of 10km grid squares across County Galway.


VWT E-newsletter Autumn 2010

The first of VWT’s six-monthly ‘e-zine’ to keep you informed about our work. This issue includes updates on tracking down the Irish stoat, our ‘Prospects for Pine Martens’ project, news from our dormouse team, and the bat work taking place in Poland, Wales and Dorset.


Messenger, J. et al. (2010). Pine Marten Scat DNA Survey of England and Wales 2008-2009

In 1995 The Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) revived its interest in pine martens and explored a number of different methods of detecting the presence of martens, including scat surveys. During this period the Trust’s experiences led to a growing scepticism about the reliability of the field identification of scats on the basis of physical attributes.


Birks, J. et al. (2005). Diversity of den sites used by pine martens

Dens are an important resource for pine martens and sites are selected in response to predation risks and energetic constraints. We compiled a sample of 370 pine marten dens to test the hypothesis that a scarcity of sites leads to the use of suboptimal structures.

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