Innovative mammal conservation

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VWT E-newsletter May 2014

This issue reflects on the recent death of our friend, founder and primary benefactor, The Honourable Vincent Weir. It also includes details on the launch of a new project, the Pine Marten Recovery Project, and new National Polecat Survey. VWT also collaborates with the Mammal Ecology Group at NUIG on the Irish stoat project.


Annual Report Summary 2013

This summary version of The Vincent Wildlife Trust’s Annual Report outlines our achievements in 2013. It also gives a financial synopsis and summarises our future plans. If you would like to read the VWT’s audited financial statements for 2013 they are presented in our full VWT ‘Annual Report and Financial Statements’.


Annual Report and Financial Statements 2013

This report outlines our achievements in 2013, explains our governance arrangements and outlines our future plans. The VWT’s audited financial statements for 2013 provide financial details of our work during the year and how it was funded.


PMRP E-newsletter February 2014

This newsletter is the first in a series that will keep you updated with the progress of VWT’s Pine Marten Recovery Project, report on all things pine marten and solicit support and comment on our activities.


Croose, E. et al. (2014). Distribution of the pine marten in southern Scotland in 2013

This report follows on from a pine marten Expansion Zone Survey conducted in 2012 (Croose et al., 2013), which provided information on current patterns of pine marten distribution in Scotland following population recovery and range expansion since the 20th century.


VWT E-newsletter October 2013

This issue gives an overview of our work on mustelids, in Scotland, Wales and Ireland, with a particular focus on the pine marten. Our bat work continues with the Impacts of Street Lighting on Biodiversity project, Our Beacon for Bats project, a study tour to Belgium, and our new bat roost webcam.


Annual Report Summary 2012

This summary version of our Annual Report outlines our achievements in 2012. It also gives a financial synopsis and summarises our future plans. If you would like to read the VWT’s audited financial statements for 2012 they are presented in our full VWT ‘Annual Report and Financial Statements’.


Annual Report and Financial Statements 2012

This report outlines The Vincent Wildlife Trust’s achievements in 2012, explains our governance arrangements and outlines our future plans. The VWT’s audited financial statements for 2012 provide financial details of our work during the year and how it was funded.


How to exclude pine martens from game and poultry pens (Ireland)

This leaflet provides information on practical steps you can take to protect game and domestic fowl from pine martens. Details are provided on preventative methods such as line wire and overhang electric fencing and pop holes. Guidance is also given on making hen houses marten-proof.


A guide to identifying the small mustelids of Britain and Ireland

The small mustelids are characterised by their long thin body shape, which enables them to follow their prey down small tunnels and burrows. However, because of their similar body shape they can be difficult to distinguish from each other. This guide helps with the identification of the mustelid family.

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