Barbastella barbastellus
Since 1975, Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) has led the way in supporting the recovery of mammal species such as otter, water vole, horseshoe bats and, more recently, pine marten. VWT is respected internationally as a leader in developing and implementing innovative approaches that halt and reverse declines in threatened mammal species. VWT continues work on its 'Priority Species', which it defines as:
1 VWT Principal Species
A range of actions is needed to make progress with population recovery. These Principal Species include: pine marten, polecat, wildcat, European mink, greater and lesser horseshoe bats, Bechstein’s bat and barbastelle bat.
2 VWT Targeted Action Species
A specific targeted piece of work is required at this stage. These Targeted Action Species include: otter, Irish stoat, marbled polecat, Alcathoe bat and grey long-eared bat.
3 VWT Watching Brief Species
Conservation needs are adequately addressed by others or currently no clear role has been identified for VWT. This will, however, be kept under annual review. These Watching Brief Species include: red squirrel and mountain hare.
Barbastella barbastellus
Myotis bechsteini
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
Rhinolophus hipposideros
Mustela mustela
Mustela putorius
Mustela erminea hibernica
Mustela lutreola
Felis sylvestris sylvestris
Mustela erminea
Mustela nivalis