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Species Recovery Programmes > Carnivore Projects > Pine marten distribution survey of Wales

11th March 2019

Vincent Wildlife Trust carried out a survey to track the spread of pine martens in Wales.


Between 2015 and 2017, the Trust carried out a pine marten population reinforcement in Wales, whereby 51 pine martens were translocated to mid-Wales from Scotland, resulting in the re-establishment of a viable marten population.

As the population increases in number and range, there is a need for accurate, up-to-date information on pine marten distribution in Wales. This will act as a baseline on which to base future surveys and monitor future population changes and give us a better understanding of the rate of range expansion and population growth of translocated populations.

Data on pine marten distribution were collected via scat surveys, with scats verified by DNA analysis, and also sightings and camera trap records from members of the public. We hope to publish the results at the beginning of 2021.

A pine marten, translocated from Scotland to mid-Wales, in a pre-release pen ©Nick Upton


If you see a pine marten in Wales or the Marches (Herefordshire/Shropshire) or record one via camera trap, please report your sighting to us to here. If you have a photo or video to send us, please email




3-4 Bronsil Courtyard, Eastnor, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 1EP
01531 636441 |