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O’Malley KD, et al. (2023). An acoustic-based method for locating maternity colonies of rare woodland bats

Barbastelle colony roosting under the bark of a yew tree ©Daniel Hargreaves

Locating colonies of rare bats can be a time consuming process, as it is often difficult to know where to focus survey effort. However, identifying peaks of bat activity via acoustic monitoring may provide insights into whether a colony is locally present, and help screen out sites with low potential. Using a triage approach, we developed a survey methodology for locating colonies of the woodland-specialist barbastelle bat (Barbastella barbastellus). We investigated whether woodland occupancy by a colony could be predicted by acoustic data, and assessed the influence of survey effort (number of acoustic detectors deployed) on detectability.

Developing systems for monitoring elusive woodland bat colonies

Our Research

O’Malley KD, et al. (2023). An acoustic-based method for locating maternity colonies of rare woodland bats