Pine Marten Recovery Project update
The largest carnivore recovery programme of its kind is well underway with the restoration of healthy and self-sustaining pine marten populations in southern Britain.
It has been six months since we completed the first translocations of 20 pine martens to Wales from Scotland. In that time, these pioneering martens have settled in the release area and begun to re-establish a viable pine marten population in mid-Wales.
Intensive radio-tracking of the martens has allowed us to build up a picture of where they have set up territories, how they are moving around the landscape and where they are denning. We have also gathered a great deal of footage of the pine martens from camera traps which has given us an insight into their behaviour.
We are now waiting to confirm whether any of the pine martens have bred; the first Welsh-born pine marten kits for many years! Watch this space.
The next phase of the project involves translocating another 20 pine martens to Wales this autumn.
The Trust is working hard to raise the funds still needed to help ensure the success of this six-year project. If you would like to support our work to restore the pine marten to Wales and England through the Pine Marten Recovery Project, you can do so here. It will be hugely appreciated.