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Final pine martens released in Wales

The final translocated pine martens have now been released into the Welsh forests, bringing the total up to 51. This is the culmination of 3 years of very hard work by the Pine Marten Recovery Project team, an army of volunteers and the mid Wales community, with support from People's Trust for Endangered SpeciesChester ZooThe Woodland Trust and Wildlife Vets International.

This year’s 12 martens will be radio and GPS tracked over the next 12 months so we can follow where they explore and where they ultimately set up territories in their new home. The translocations may be finished but we will still be monitoring our, now collarless, animals from year 1 and 2 through camera traps, hair tubes and scat surveys. We are always interested in any sightings, photos of martens or possible scats that members of the public may spot.

If you think you have seen a pine marten in Wales or England please report it.