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2nd All-Ireland Pine Marten Symposium

Download the 2nd All-Ireland Pine Marten Symposium Agenda

We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd All-Ireland Pine Marten Symposium to be held at Ti Chulainn Community and Conference Centre on the 14 and 15 October 2016.

This two-day meeting has been organised to build on the success of the first meeting held in Galway during 2014 and bring together advances in research, practical conservation and management techniques for this enigmatic species.

We hope this meeting will appeal to the following:
• pine marten researchers eg third level institution staff and students
• practical conservation organisations eg, VWT, UWT, etc
• land managers eg, Forest Service, Coillte, NIEA/NPWS
• environmental consultants
• anyone with an interest in pine martens!

Day One
The first day of the event will be focused on 15-minute talks by those involved in research, conservation and management of the species.

Day Two
The second day will involve a field trip to visit the pine marten den box scheme within the Ring of Gullion. This will be followed by practical sessions to demonstrate techniques for erecting pine marten den boxes.

Day One: £20/€25 (includes abstracts, tea/coffee + lunch)
Day Two: £15/€20 (includes transport from venue to field sites + lunch)

The event will be held at the Ti Cuhulainn Cultural Activity Centre, located in the heart of the Ring of Gullion Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This stunning location is only 20 minutes drive from Dundalk or Newry on the border of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

For more information
David Tosh at