Eurobats 24th Meeting of the Advisory Committee While we may be preoccupied with Brexit, our fellow species, especially highly mobile species like bats, have no such awareness of political boundaries and their effect on freedom of movement. All in all, there are 53 European bat species that are found across continental Europe (from the Caucasus Read More
7th May 2019Having reached historic population lows by the end of the 19th century, the carnivores of Britain are for the most part enjoying a period of recovery. This recovery was reported in a paper published last month by Katie Sainsbury at the University of Exeter, on which VWT was a key collaborator. In particular, British mustelids have Read More
24th April 2019My volunteer experience with Vincent Wildlife Trust’s (VWT) Pine Marten Recovery Project (PMRP) came about partly through my connection to Coed y Bont Community Woodland when it started in 2008. This is a community-led woodland project that has seen the creation and maintenance of a 25-hectare woodland site, complete with a picnic site and various Read More
4th April 2019In January 1992, I made my first venture into the old states of eastern Europe with a bat visit to Poland. Over the previous three years, the communist bloc had started to break up, travel restrictions eased and opportunities were opened up to visit colleagues beyond what had been the Iron Curtain. I hadn’t been Read More
12th February 2019I volunteer with the Vincent Wildlife Trust in their current project which assesses the effectiveness of Mostela camera traps for monitoring Stoats and Weasels in the UK. This part of the project is taking place on a Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) nature reserve in East Yorkshire called North Cave Wetlands. Prior to volunteering with VWT I Read More
11th December 2018I’m currently in my final year at Newcastle University studying Countryside Management. This is a practical and hands on course which offers a career development module, aimed at gaining experience to benefit future career aspirations. Choosing this module allowed me to work with the Vincent Wildlife Trust’s Pine Marten Project Officer, Kevin O’Hara. The Back Read More
3rd September 2018I was delighted last year to learn that the 8th International Colloquium on squirrels, an international gathering of squirrel researchers from around the world, would take place on my doorstep at the beginning of June 2018. OK, I admit I exaggerate just a little. I live 22km north of Galway city and the venue for the Read More
30th July 2018Music is often seen as a cross-cultural connector, a vessel that has little need for the spoken word though still has the uncanny ability through melodic symphony to invite us along for the journey and let us enjoy the ride. The magic of music need not cease at the human race. Nature too has its Read More
19th July 2018‘Wales’ rarest mammal is back’ is what is now proudly portrayed on the wall of our brand-new Pine Marten Den, and I don’t think I was the only member of the Pine Marten Recovery Project team who felt a little teary reading it. It’s been a long and stressful three years, interspaced with the most amazing Read More
11th June 2018The Back from the Brink Pine Marten Project is the first time we have volunteered with The Vincent Wildlife Trust (which we thoroughly enjoy). We were introduced to the many aspects of this species and project when we saw it advertised in the local press and social media. We knew Kevin O’Hara (VWT’s Back from Read More
4th June 2018